Tezz is an upcoming Hindi action thriller film directed by Priyadarshan. The film features an ensemble cast; including Mohanlal, Anil Kapoor, Ajay Devgan, Kangna Ranaut, Sameera Reddy and Zayed Khan in main roles. It is expected to hit theatres on 27 April, 2012. The stunt choreographer had been Gareth Milne, the stunt co-ordinator of Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer and National Treasure: Book of Secrets . Tezz was earlier titled "Bullet Train". The official trailer was released on January 4, 2012.
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Main Hoon Shab
Tere Bina (Female Version)
Tezz (Male Version)
Laila (Remix)
Tere Bina (Indian)